Purchase Special Offering Semen: 1/15/2025 to 2/15/2025
**Photos and information on each bull are on the Reference Bulls Page.
General info: If there is no "Quantity" listed, it means there is only one unit of semen available from that particular bull. Click "Add to Cart" to buy it. If "Quantity" shows a number, you can change it to a higher or lower number depending on how many units are available and on how many you wish to purchase from that bull, then click "Add to Cart."
If you or your AI technician are uncertain about using semen which is in ampules/amps, there is an article explaining how to use amps on this website: A.I. Technique for Using Amps
We initially had a glitch in the “Add to Cart” function. If you received a message that the bull was “unavailable”, please try again.
All semen offered for sale will be located at and shipped from Hoffman AI Breeders in Logan, Utah. It will not be available for shipping to purchasers until around March 1st.