Tyrone Ernmore Image

Tyrone Ernmore Image.jpg
Tyrone Ernmore Image.jpg
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Tyrone Ernmore Image

from $800.00

(Beef Tendency)
A Canadian Image son that had a world record ribeye measurement of over 20 inches. One look at his picture shows the thickness, depth, and smooth muscle appearance that many breeders are searching for today. The Tyrone herd was owned by James A. Creighton &Son of Caledonia Ontario Canada. Ernmore Image had a successful show career, but more importantly, his offspring consistently outperformed the offspring of almost all other bulls of the time in the pasture.

Donor Cow Information:

Whisper Mandy Lou ~ 2 embryos

Whisper Beatrice ~ 1 embryo

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Registr. # 3565288 Birth Date: 1974

Sire: Canadian Image # 3572058

Dam: Tyrone Ada 3rd # C565671

(Dual Purpose)